UA Breaks Commercialization Records Again

The University of Arizona has once again met or surpassed performance expectations for its key annual measures in technology commercialization during the 2018 fiscal year.
These results demonstrate how the UA’s Tech Launch Arizona, or TLA, is continuing to to significantly enhance the impact of UA research, intellectual property and technological innovation by bringing the University’s inventions to the public for economic and social benefit.
“In 2018, TLA continued its strong record of commercializing vital new inventions, and it is an important reason why the UA is well on our way to realizing our vision of becoming a leading university in the Fourth Industrial Revolution,” said UA President Robert C. Robbins.
TLA was officially launched in FY 2013, with FY 2014 marking its first year as a fully staffed UA unit. Over the past five years, TLA has demonstrated increases across the board. This year is no exception.
Read the full article at AZ Big Media.
Image Courtesy of Pexels.