500 Start Ups: Future of Innovation Survey

June 10, 2020

We invite you to share your insights and perspectives to include in a brief, anonymous research study: The Future of Innovation.

This study is being conducted by global venture capital firm 500 Startups in partnership with top ranked University of Arizona’s Eller Executive Education to share research with senior leaders on how their peers are thinking about innovation as a means of resilience beyond our turbulent times.

Most “current state” surveys, while insightful, are collecting lagging and retrospective indicators. With this study, we want to look beyond insight to unlock the power of foresight. By setting a benchmark in the future, we can trace back to the present and define a pathway towards innovation and sustainability. This study is anonymous, and contains 3 main sections with 25 questions total. It should take under 9 minutes to complete.

Click below to participate in this survey: 


We appreciate your time and thank you for helping us drive this important research forward.