When You Stand Up for Women, You Stand Up for Everyone

According to catalyst.org, women made up 46.9 percent, nearly half of the labor force in 2018, but only 40 percent, slightly over a third, held down any kind of managerial position. And of those female managers, Latinas made up 6.2 percent, black women 3.8 percent, and Asian women 2.4 percent. To say diversity and a true female presence are lacking, nationwide, at the executive level is like saying honesty and patriotism are lacking at our country’s presidential level.
Women bring a unique and fresh perspective, and enhance a company’s performance, while significantly increasing net margins. Females in top management roles experience what Joe Carella, assistant dean at the University of Arizona’s Eller College of Management calls "innovation intensity."
According to Carella, women produce more patents, by an average of 20 percent more than teams with male leaders. Imagine what the owner(s) of your company would think when presented with that kind of promise.